BH (34): orddannelse (use one of the prefixes: dis-, il-,im-,in-,ir-,un-)
Hybrid øvelse: quizz & multiple choice
Skriv det korrekte svar i boksen. Du har 1 forsøg. Hvis du svarer forkert, får du mulighed for at vælge det korrekte svar i stedet.
What is the opposite of HONEST?
- unhonest
- inhonest
- dishonest
What is the opposite of COMFORTABLE?
- incomfortable
- uncomfortable
- discomfortable
What is the opposite of SENSITIVE?
- insensitive
- unsensitive
- dissensitive
What is the opposite of RESPONSIBLE?
- inresponsible
- unresponsible
- irresponsible
What is the opposite of POLITE?
- unpolite
- inpolite
- impolite
What is the opposite of LEGAL?
- unlegal
- illegal
- inlegal
What is the opposite of LOYAL?
- illoyal
- unloyal
- disloyal
What is the opposite of MATURE?
- inmature
- immature
- unmature
What is the opposite of RELIABLE?
- disreliable
- inreliable
- unreliable
What is the opposite of CORRECT?
- uncorrect
- incorrect
- discorrect
What is the opposite of FORTUNATE?
- infortunate
- unfortunate
- ilfortunate